1. On Friday, we went to Beer School at Anheuser-Busch.
That diploma was exceedingly easy to earn - all I learned was that Bud Light Lime and Wild Blue should never have been invented. Also, I still like Shock Top.
2. Lovely Shabbat dinner with Jessica Oynick, Jen Spielman, and Sarah Rubin. I still can't believe you're all grown up.
3. Sunday brunch and campus tour (how come no one ever told me Wash U looks like Epcot?) with Jess.
How gorgeous is this garden?
4. Greta told me about these last year. They continue to be awesome.
Good work on the environmental guilt trip, Wash U (The leftmost bin reads,"Landfill." The other two say "Recycling.")
5. Forest Park - giving Central Park a run for its community-building money since 1876.
6. Big Sam Deerson. One of my favorite members of the family.
7. Thanks for hosting me, GBD. I had a wonderful time.
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